Our Research & Advocacy Areas


We conduct innovative legal and interdisciplinary research in animal rights law and policy. Focusing on critical areas such as animal labour, animals in wars and disasters, political representation of animals, and wildlife trafficking and wildlife crime, ICARE aims to lay a solid foundation for the development of legislation, public policies, advocacy campaigns, and case law that better protect the fundamental interests of animals.

Our research programme is organised into specialised working groups composed of academics, industry experts, and practitioners. These working groups foster collaborative exploration and actionable insights, advancing our mission to end animal exploitation and suffering. ICARE’s alums are encouraged to join these groups, contributing their expertise and passion to drive meaningful change.


ICARE promotes the recognition and enforcement of animals' legal rights within national, regional, and international legal frameworks. Focusing on strategic, evidence-based initiatives that maximise impact, we advocate for the adoption of international instruments and national legislation that protect animal rights and welfare, drawing upon reliable data and interdisciplinary research.

ICARE collaborates closely with partner organisations to leverage collective expertise and resources, striving to effect meaningful change. By actively participating in international debates and forums and contributing to developing case law that respects fundamental animal rights, we influence policy and legal advancements.

In addition to our long-term initiatives, ICARE is committed to taking prompt action on pressing animal rights issues. We engage in targeted, short-term efforts based on reliable data to address immediate challenges, ensuring that animals' fundamental interests are protected. Through this strategic and evidence-based approach, we effectively and responsibly advance our mission to end animal exploitation and suffering.

  • Animal Labour Law

    We pioneer the recognition of labour rights for non-human animals, advocating for legal frameworks that protect non-human animal workers.

  • Animals in Wars & Disasters

    We advocate for legal protections for animals affected by wars and disasters, ensuring their welfare is included in humanitarian efforts.

  • Wildlife Trafficking & Wildlife Crime

    We combat wildlife trafficking and crime through legal research and advocacy, aiming to strengthen laws and enforcement against wildlife exploitation.

  • Political Representation of Animals

    We promote the political representation of animals, advocating for legal mechanisms that give animals a voice in policymaking processes.

  • Journal of Animal Rights Law

    The Journal of Animal Rights Law is the first legal journal dedicated to advancing Animal Rights Law through the dissemination and discussion of cutting-edge research in this field.